About Us


Hey there! My name is Aaron, and I’m the founder at eHowdy.

I realized the depths of my journey early, at age 13. Sounds exaggerated, right? I was visiting family for thanksgiving that year, sick and coach-bound, and no one could figure out what was wrong with me.

I knew something was off—I didn’t “feel right”. I was nauseous, had no energy, and literally, I wanted to die. I went to the emergency room that night—nodding off on my way there, and that’s when the staff said I smelled… fruity.

“Like apples, Nurse?” I asked her, nearly puking with my eyes half-way shut, oblivious to the fact that my life would forever change just moments later.

“No, sweety. Like we need to get you hooked up to an IV,” she said while the team rushed me through the halls to one of the emergency stations, then pumped me with fluids and began drawing blood samples.

Not minutes later, they confirmed my type 1 diabetes diagnosis (blood glucose of 830 mg/dL).I was entering a lethal state called Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA).

Since then, after sitting with countless support groups and doctors, I consider myself an expert on healthy living. But what’s that got to do with business and marketing, you may ask? Afterall, that’s what this blog is focused on. Well, it’s got everything to do with it.

Having a critical illness at an early age made me look inwards, deeply. A lot of introspection – an unhealthy level of it. One thing it taught me was perseverance. That no matter what happens, you’ve GOT to keep going. It’s life or death.

I believe this trait alone is enough to make you succeed in life.

Now, I’m happily married (my lovely wife who helps me run our Pinterest account), and instead of letting this nightmare defeat me, it has only strengthened me.

eHowdy founder Aaron and wife
eHowdy founder Aaron and wife

I’m a firm believer that you get out of life what you put into it. We choose our destiny, and control—mostly, what happens to us. Other than, well, things out of our control. We are a result of our decisions.

I LOVE to read fiction books, anything that will take my mind to higher places, which is why I also enjoy learning about growth mindset strategies, and of course, everything digital marketing.

Part of my success comes from building and selling successful businesses—mostly internet companies, in various fields including: stocks, eCommerce, clothing retail, barbering, cosmetics, technology, and culinary arts. Some people call me a digital expert. At least, that’s what they pay me for. I’ve also been called a renaissance man. Just don’t call me late for dinner. (Ha, I couldn’t resist.)

I have a plethora of knowledge in the industry, not only from building my own companies, but from working for others.

In fact, I’ve generated over $5 million dollars revenue for other companies through digital marketing.

My goal with this blog is to help you realize your fullest potential, rather that be mental growth strategies, general career advice, or more narrowly, digital marketing aspirations.

Also, I’m excited to share that we are now accepting guest writers! So if you’re an expert in the topics we write about, and want to share with our readers your knowledge, then please send us an application.

Be ambitious, set your sights on success, and happy reading!

Article Suggestions

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