Easter ideas for a happy new beginning

Easter – A Time To Reflect And Reset

It’s spring time and new Easter ideas are popping up everywhere like magical bunny eggs!

What exactly are Easter ideas, and what can you do with them? Simply put, they’re ideas you get when you take the meaning of Easter stuff—like hiding eggs, and use them to guide you in some way.

Easy, right? You’d be surprised how much meaning you can pull out of a single pink bunny egg, or a peep.

Easter is a fun, low key, Stress-Free holiday.

And although it’s not as highly anticipated as Christmas, Chanukah, Eid Al-Fitr, and a few of the other big ones across many cultures, it’s still one filled with joy.

Easter is the perfect time to reflect on how your New Year resolutions are turning out, and to see if you need to change courses to meet your biggest goals by the end of the year.

That’s what this article is about—using Easter as an inspiration to guide you and keep you on track.

Here are a few tips on how to use Easter ideas to make a happy new beginning:

Important Facts about Easter

Easter facts when is Easter

Before we get into what it is about Easter that leaves us so happy and high on peeps for a day, we need to first understand the day’s significance (Or days’, because it happens every year? Weird.).

When Is Easter 2021?

This year, Easter will be observed on Sunday, April 4. (Eastern Orthodox Easter will take place on Sunday, May 2.) This year’s Easter is one week after March’s full Moon (Sunday, March 28), which is the first full Moon to occur after the spring equinox (March 20, 2021) and is therefore known in the Christian calendar as the “Paschal Full Moon.” (1)

Simply put: Easter is always observed on the Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon (spring’s first full moon!)

Does Easter Always fall on a Sunday?

Yes. Easter Day changes every year, but it’s always on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. However, many Eastern Orthodox churches follow the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian. So they observe Easter between April 4 and May 8.

When Did Easter First Begin?

The significance of Easter lies in Christianity and Catholicism. And although some claim that Easter dates back even further to pagan, pre-Christian Europe, published articles from the U.S. Library Of Congress have determined that the pagan tales are false. However, few scholars disagree with them (2).

What we know for sure, is that the Easter Bunny was first welcomed to the U.S. by German-immigrant Pennsylvania Dutch in 1757, at the latest. In German, they called the Easter Bunny “Oschter Haws”—the word “haws” often translated as rabbit instead of hare.

Easter bunny story and meaning

What do eggs and bunnies have to do with Easter?

Referring back to the conflicting data about pagans, feasts were held in honor of the diety Eostra on the spring equinox. Being that spring is the awakening and emergence of new life, her symbol was the rabbit, due to them being highly reproductive.

Eggs were an ancient symbol of fertility, and so, fertility and being highly reproductive produces a rabbit and an egg. Later in the 15th century, when Roman Catholicism became the dominant religion in Germany, the eggs represented the resurrection of Jesus Christ (which we’ll get into later).

What Is The Significance of Easter?

Easter, when referred to as a holiday is fun, chocolate filled, and celebrated with costumes and brunch at our favorite spots. But in regard to the Christianity faith, it’s essential, and some believe it to be the center of the religion.

It’s recorded that one of Jesus’ earliest followers even said that without Easter, there is no Christianity. That’s a pretty bold statement—for a holiday consisting of egg-laying bunnies and peeps.

Long story short, Easter is the day when Christians commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

And before we get into how Easter will help guide you this year, let’s quickly talk about the importance of this resurrection. And by the way, in case you didn’t know, resurrection means you died and came back to life, either in your previous form, or a different one.

The importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

  1. We have this entity called God.
  2. God is the most holy of entities. He can’t be in the presence of unholiness; like water can’t mix with air.
  3. Human are unholy because of a terminal sickness called sin (I’m sure you’ve heard of the apple story). No human can undo this sickness. Only God can, because God can do all.
  4. So God made a plan—Jesus Christ.
  5. God sent a part of himself (er, his son) as human flesh called Jesus, to live a holy and sinless life, therefor, satisfying God’s requirement for human perfection.
  6. Jesus lived the perfect life that human are not capable of living. And so when he died on our behalf, reversing the eternal consequences of death, he gave us his perfect life.
  7. In doing so, God’s plan was fulfilled and we could have the chance to live the life he originally intended for us (the life we would have had before sinning).

That’s the story in a nut-shell. And so, observance of the Easter holiday is done in recognition and celebration of the fact that God himself—through the person of Christ—loved us enough to enable humanity to experience restored relationship with its creator, now and forever (3).

Jesus Christ Easter resurrection

How can Easter help guide your goals and happiness?

Now that the lesson on Easter’s origin and Jesus’ resurrection has come to an end, let’s move on to the stuff you came to read!

So, what does the Sunday following spring’s first full moon have to do with making a new beginning for yourself and pursuing your resolutions? Easy. Easter boils down to three things:

Awakening, personal growth, and spreading goodness.

You’ve got to admit, there’s something special about Easter that’s so subtle, yet, high spirited, that it leaves you no choice but to smile and enjoy the short day while it lasts.

Besides all the religious stuff, there is meaning to the day on a physical level—in regard to nature. It’s a day that aligns human beliefs with celestial movements, which ultimately affects biological changes on our planet.

Rather those beliefs be some that you share with others or they are your own, you should know that right around Easter and spring’s full moon your body’s energy frequency is higher. This can help you in mysterious ways without you realizing it.

High energy frequencies are necessary determinants of change.

In other words, around Easter IS the optimal time of year when your body has natural, external contributors that affect your ability to make change.

Easter full moon energy inspiration

Referring back to the basket-weaving bunnys and irresistible peeps (the importance of all this always bring us back to peeps), take whatever you’d like from this holiday if it gives you inspiration.

It doesn’t matter where the inspiration comes from, long as you are inspired. Because when you are inspired, you can spread this inspiration outward and cause goodness in the world.

I personally get inspired by Easter’s chocolate bunnies and eggs because well, I love holidays. Holidays make me happy, and I make strong efforts in life to be happy.

Being happy helps you to relieve self-induced fears, such as stink bugs landing on you.

This Easter I want you to reflect on a few questions:

  • What are your New Year goals?
  • Have you been pursuing these goals? If not, you should start ASAP. The year at this point is already 1/4 the way over!
  • Do you have any hobbies? You should have at least one!
  • Are you meeting your health goals?
  • Does your career make you unhappy? Maybe it’s time for you to change careers!
  • Do you have a 1, 5, 10 year plan for where you want to be in life?

All these questions are essential and you should reflect on them every year to stay focused on the future. Otherwise, you may find that time is flying by and you never stopped to look at your life under the microscope, and to ensure you are developing in a positive way.

And what better environment to do this than Easter? It’s one of the most naturally vibrant, exciting, and cosmically energetic times of year!

Here’s a quick recap of Easter Ideas For a Happy new Beginning:

  1. Celestial relevance of Easter and spring’s full moon.
  2. Significance of Easter eggs and bunnys.
  3. The importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  4. Awakening, personal growth, and self reflection.
  5. Easter’s high energy inspiring you to make change.

What moves you forward in life? Is it pursuing your true passion? Making new friends? Traveling? Whatever it is about the future that brightens your mind, don’t let that light die down. Allow this year’s Easter to give you the energy you need to guide you and keep you focused.

That’s all folks! Thanks for reading.

Feel free to comment below if you liked this article on Easter ideas for a happy new beginning. I’d love to take questions or suggestions on other content you’d like to see on eHowdy!

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