10 Tips on How To Be More Productive



How to be more productive

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Are you looking for ways to be more productive and make the most of your time? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll discuss 10 tips on how to be more productive and make every day count.

From setting achievable goals to establishing a healthy morning routine, there are many steps you can take to make sure you are using your time efficiently and effectively.

Read on for 10 tips on how to be more productive:

1. Get enough sleep

Increase productivity by sleeping

Getting enough sleep is essential if you want to improve the productivity of your day. Productivity is a measure of how efficiently and effectively you are working, and getting enough sleep plays an important role in achieving that.

When you don’t get enough sleep, it has an effect on your focus, energy levels, and ability to think and make sound decisions. What’s considered not enough sleep? Professionals suggest 6 hours or less per night.

Lack of sleep can also lead to fatigue, mood swings, and difficulty making decisions.

To be productive, you need to give your body and mind the rest they need to function optimally.

What’s the takeaway?

If you want to be productive, you HAVE to get adequate sleep. Aim for 7-8 hours per day, without interruptions, and at the optimal temperature of 70°F (20°C).

2. Wake up early

tips on how to be productive

Waking up early in the day is an essential part of becoming more productive and successful. Productivity is important because it helps you get more done in less time, while also allowing you to make the most out of every moment.

When you wake up earlier, you give yourself a head start on the day and can get a jump on any tasks or goals you have set for yourself.

Here are some tips on how to increase productivity by getting up early:

  1. Set an alarm – Setting an alarm for the same time each day (of the week) will help condition your body to get up and start your day at the same time. This will create a routine and allow you to make the most out of your day from the start.
  2. Start small – Start by waking up 10-30 minutes earlier than normal for the first week. This will help you adjust to the new schedule and build momentum as you progress.
  3. Use natural light – Natural light helps to reset your internal clockwork, just as humans did for thousands of years when we used the Sun to dictate our lives.

By waking up early, you’ll be able to take advantage of the extra time that comes with it and use it to accomplish more throughout the day. Incorporating these tips into your morning routine can help you get a jump start on the day and ultimately lead to increased productivity and success.

What’s the takeaway?

I’m sure you’ve heard that all successful people wake up earlier than everyone else around them. For the most part, there’s a truth to it. It’s key to being productive and having enough daytime to innovate and create success.

3. Set a daily routine

Productivity can be improved by routine

Productivity can be increased by establishing and sticking to a daily routine. When you have a clear plan of action, it’s easier to stay focused and motivated throughout the day. It also helps to break down tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Creating a schedule is key to improving productivity at home, and at work. Start by making a list of all your daily tasks, including work projects, school, family obligations and other responsibilities. Then decide how you can best allocate your time throughout the day and make sure to include breaks and leisure activities like reading, listening to music or engaging in a productive hobby.

For best results, try to stick to the same routine each day and stay consistent with when you wake up, start work, take breaks and go to bed. This can help keep you in the right mindset and will ensure that you don’t miss out on any important tasks, and that you excel at the things you do.

What’s the takeaway?

It’s important that you have a consistent daily routine to have maximum productivity. Stick to your routine, don’t fall behind, and get into a groove so you can stay focused and get into a flow state whenever you put your mind to something.

4. Set long-term goals

set goals to be productive

Creating long-term goals is essential to having a productive life. The rate at which you achieve goals and finish tasks is how productivity is measured, and having a productive system in place can help you stay on track.

Setting the right types of goals can be a daunting task. But with the proper mindset, you can set goals that are achievable and beneficial to your overall productivity.

Start by analyzing what you want to achieve in the long run. What kind of life do you want to have? What are your aspirations? Once you have identified your goals, break them down into achievable milestones. This will help you stay motivated as you complete each milestone, and it will also help to keep you focused and productive.

What’s the takeaway?

To be the most productive, make sure to review your long-term goals regularly. Evaluate how well you are progressing towards achieving them and make changes if necessary. Having a good understanding of your goals will help ensure that you stay motivated which will lead to productivity, long term.

5. Don’t procrastinate

procrastination leads to laziness

Procrastination can be a major barrier to having a productive lifestyle. Productivity can be improved by learning to overcome this bad habit, but it will take some effort.

Here are some tips to help you get on top of your procrastination:

  • Set deadlines – Setting realistic deadlines for yourself can help keep you motivated and stop you from procrastinating.
  • Eliminate distractions – Distractions such as social media and television can make it hard to stay focused and can lead to procrastination. Make sure to turn off notifications or set specific times to check them during the day.
  • Reward yourself – Celebrate your successes by rewarding yourself with something special. This will help keep you motivated and on track.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to improve your productivity and eliminate procrastination from your life. With dedication and perseverance, you can make the most of your day and accomplish more than you thought possible!

What’s the takeaway?

If you’re finding that you have not been very productive lately, consider that perhaps you’ve been procrastinating a lot. The key is, don’t put things off until the last minute.

6. Declutter your workspace

how to be more productive at work

If you’ve been wondering how to be more productive at work, one of the most important things to consider doing is to declutter your workspace. A cluttered workspace can be overwhelming and can make it difficult for you to stay focused.

To make the most of your time, organize all of your materials into labeled folders, containers, or boxes. And if your workspace is a computer desktop, consider arranging your desktop logically, and defragging often. This way you know where everything is and won’t have to search for resources when you need them.

Additionally, if you find that certain items are distracting or take up too much space, consider getting rid of them altogether. There are lots of productive things to do when you’re working in a clutter-free environment!

What’s the takeaway?

Wasted time is a sure way to ruin the momentum of your productivity. Try not to let your workspace get in the way of your fullest potential.

7. Keep a positive attitude

stay positive to be busy

One of the best tips to be productive is to keep a positive attitude. A positive mind will help you stay motivated and focused on your tasks. It can also help you stay organized and to have a disciplined mindset to tackle problems without feeling overwhelmed.

A few ways to keep a positive attitude are to practice gratitude, visualize success, focus on the good things in life, find humor in everyday situations, and surround yourself with positive people.

It’s important to remember that keeping a positive attitude doesn’t mean burying your head in the sand when negative issues arise – instead, it’s about using those issues as an opportunity to work harder and smarter.

What’s the takeaway?

If you want to be more productive, then don’t worry, be happy. Literally. Having a positive mindset, a go-getter attitude, and an overall healthy outlook in life will help you stay the most productive that you possibly can.

8. Take breaks effectively

take effective breaks to be productive

Taking regular breaks is an important part of staying productive. By setting aside a few minutes from your work, you can recharge and come back with a renewed focus. The last thing you want to do is get burned out.

This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and allow you to stay on track. Setting productivity goals and having an understanding of why productivity is important for your wellbeing can help you get the most out of your breaks.

We take breaks because we NEED them. They’re essential.

When you do take a break, make sure it’s meaningful. That means no checking emails or scrolling through social media – use this time to do something you enjoy like reading, listening to music, going for a walk, or having a cup of tea. (Unless social media videos are your go-to.)

What’s the takeaway?

You need to take effective breaks, frequently to recharge and continue your day productively. Only then can you find the strength required to live a life of sustained productivity.

The turtle wins the race. Remember that.

9. Avoid distractions

focus by not getting distracted

Being productive means staying focused and not letting distractions get in your way. To get into the mindset to be what productive requires from you, means you’ve got to block out interruptions and only focus on what’s in front of you.

Give your attention only to the frontmost things you’re working on.

Here are a few tips on how to do that:

  • Turn off notifications: Like mentioned earlier, turning off all notifications, including phone calls and text messages, can help you stay focused. You can also mute social media notifications or limit the time you spend checking them.
  • Block out background noise: Distractions like talkative people, traffic noise, or music can prevent you from focusing. (Unless you need music to be productive. Or podcasts, which have been quite popular since the success of Joe Rogan’s).
  • Choose an appropriate workspace: The environment you work in can have an impact on your productivity. Make sure to choose an area where you feel comfortable and can focus without interruption.

What’s the takeaway?

It’s easy to let distractions prevent us from being productive. You’ve got to do whatever you can to minimize these focus barriers so that they don’t let you fall behind.

10. Eat healthy

be productive at home by eating healthy foods

If you’re wondering how to be more productive, you might want to consider eating healthy foods. Science suggests that eating the right kinds of super foods give your body and brain the fuel they need to stay focused and energized throughout the day.

Eating well means including the following 5 essential foods in your diet:

  1. Fresh fruits
  2. Dark leafy green vegetables
  3. Whole grains
  4. Lean proteins
  5. Healthy fats

And avoiding processed and sugary foods can help reduce energy crashes and cravings. Additionally, having small, nutritious snacks throughout the day helps to keep your energy levels consistent.

What’s the takeaway?

Part of having a healthy lifestyle means eating a well-balanced diet. It makes it very difficult to be productive when your body doesn’t have the nutrition it needs to thrive.


Finding the productivity required for living a life of vitality boils down to a few key components that define what it means to be living a healthy lifestyle.

In this article, we’ve gone over some of these essentials like getting good rest, ridding of distractions, settings goals and sticking to a daily routine, and organizing your home and workspace.

Being productive means clearing your mind and allowing yourself to become fully involved in your immediate and future tasks, all while being confident in your abilities and staying positive.

Best of luck to you!

Here’s a quick recap of 10 Tips on How To Be More Productive:

  1. Get enough sleep.
  2. Wake up early.
  3. Set a daily routine.
  4. Set long-term goals.
  5. Don’t procrastinate.
  6. Declutter your workspace.
  7. Keep a positive attitude.
  8. Take breaks effectively.
  9. Avoid distractions.
  10. Eat healthy.

That’s all folks! Thanks for reading.

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Aaron McCloud

Aaron McCloud

Hey, everyone! I'm the founder at eHowdy—an inspiration blog dedicated to helping you realize your fullest potential. Remember, knowledge is power.

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